1953 Let's Have A Good Time!
1954 Let's Have A Really Good Time!
1955 Good Times Are Over: Dusty Sings the Blues
1956 Hey, Let's Go To Crazy-ville: On The Road With Carr
1959 C'mon Everybody, Get Happy! (released in France as Through a Thick Veil of Salty Tears)
1962 Surf's Comin' Up! (released in France as So Many Forlorn Faces)
1968 Streaming Lights and Cartoon Faces: Live At The Fillmore (with The Jefferson Airplane)
1972 Feelin' Kinda Thoughtful
1979 Gotta Disco 'Til I Die
1990 Really Fast Carr
2005 Dusty After Dark
1953 You Are My Angel
1953 Thinkin' 'Bout Somethin' Stupid!
1954 Hey, Give A Fella A Kiss!
1955 The Loneliest Boy On Broadway
1956 You Make Me Feel Funny Inside
1959 I Cut My Lips On Your Love
1962 You Are My Angel (with The BoneTones)
1968 Big Corporate Toilet (with The Jefferson Airplane)
1969 It's All So Groovy
1972 People Are Really Petty
1979 Gimme A Chunka Funk
1990 Early One Morning I Wept
2005 Never With A Skank
Books/Articles (by or about Dusty Carr)
Dusty Carr: My Life, My Love, My Hell
by Dusty Carr with Albert Goldman (Gibberish Press, NYC, 1978)
Total Flukes of Fame: Ringo and Beyond
by Eileen Jessup (Advantage Press, Boston, 1980)
Teen Dreams: A Sociological Interpretation of Teen Idols
by Barbara Goldblatt (Harvard University Press, 1982)
Carr Crash
by Derrick Dunne (Vanity Fair Magazine, October 1986)
On The Beach With Dusty Carr
by Mark Grielus (Rolling Stone Magazine, September, 1990)
An Analysis of Chronic, Abusive Drug Addiction
by Adam Grundig (McGill University Medical Press, 1992)
Deep Loathing and Midnight Jabbering
by Gelbart Thompson (Schrevers Press, NYC, 1994)
Whoa! Running Over Republicans With A Dusty Carr!
by P.J. O'Rundgren (The Atlantic Magazine, March 1996)
Why the fat corporations hate Dusty Carr
by Michael Moore (Mother Jones, July, 2004)
My Secret Admiration for the Laudable but Prevaricating Artistry of Dusty Carr
by William F. Buckley (New York Times, February 2006)